Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A New Year

Well my 2013 started off with a bang...I ended up with the stomach flu and was in bed for the first two days and am still really tired and weak. I did find a new appreciation for Gatorade though. So because of that, my resolutions were pushed back for a couple of days while I slept on the floor and ate nothing but Popsicles and soup. Fun fact: Walmart doesn't carry ice-pops during the winter. Super bummer when you're sick and all you want is a blue ice-pop. So now we know to stock up on those in the summer, and not wait to buy them when you're sick.

So now on to my resolutions. Overall, I just want to be healthier and improve my relationship with my husband since this year will bring a lot of changes for the both of us.

1. Eat less sugar: I find myself automatically eating dessert after every meal, which I'm sure is a habit I picked up in the dining halls of my dorm freshman year, where a cookie-to-go was the norm. I get cravings for sugar, and I really want to try this year to be healthier overall in what I eat. I'm going to try to replace almost all of my desserts with fruits or smoothies, and limit myself to two actual desserts per week. I think this will be much more attainable than just flat out eliminating sugar from my diet.
2. Pay off one of my student loans: I don't have an outrageous amount of student loans, but I would really like to get at least one of them fully paid off this year before I start back up for graduate school in the fall.
3. Cut down on all of my frivolous spending. I have a lot of clothes and just things, so my goal for this month is to go through all of my clothes and really cut back, as well as go for the month without buying any new clothes.
4. Have the sink clear every night. I have a bad habit of piling all of my dishes in the sink and not rinsing them, which Chris hates. So my new goal is to wash or rinse them as I use them, and to have the sink clear every night.
5. Eat dinner at the kitchen table instead of on the couch. This has become our usual habit, and I'd really like to change that before it becomes too ingrained. Plus, it's not even that comfortable to eat on our couch.
6. Read at least one book per week. I work at a library, and check out so many books that just sit on my living room floor and then I return them without reading any of them. I need to actually read them, instead of just looking at all of the books,

So there they are! I really wanted to pick ones that I thought that I could achieve, instead of unattainable goals that I would give up on in a month. I have tried to cut them down to something to do weekly or monthly, to make it easier and make it feel like I am actually achieving a goal.

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