Tuesday, June 4, 2013

I'm Not Sure Where To Go From Here

So I started this blog because I really enjoy reading other people's blogs. I read them daily, and feel a connection to people that don't even know who I am. Because I'm a creep and rarely comment. But I don't really know what I want this space, my space, to be. I don't know what I want to share, and what people will find interesting. I think I just need to wait until we move out and I get out of this life stasis that I'm in right now in order to be more inspired. And honestly, more exciting. There's only so much I can write about working at the library. I'm thrilled to be able to move to a city where there will be so much going on, particularly coming from this tiny college town that I'm in right now. This period in my life is just me looking forward to the next stage, because I'm so ready for it. But I have so many exciting things coming up in the next couple of months, including weddings and family vacations that are sure to be a blast. So I can't guarantee that I'll keep this blog up during the next few months, but when I get inspired, I'll write. In the meantime, enjoy this picture of Stella in a fez.