Tuesday, April 2, 2013

It's The Thought That Counts, Right?

I haven't done a sugar update in awhile, but I promise there's a really good reason:

Meet Stella! We adopted a dog about a month ago, and have been busy taking care of this little munchkin. Unfortunately, this means that my exercise has kind of taken a break, as well as my sugar diet. But I still think about how I should be working out and eating healthy, so that counts? And I take the dog up and down three flights of stairs about eight times every day, so she's making me get some physical activity.

Could you resist cuddling with this? I think not.

I still have been trying to eat healthier, and have tried some really great new recipes. My favorite is this new spin on No-Bake Cookies, which are a childhood favorite of mine. Replacing the butter and half the sugar with a banana really helped cut down on some calories out of these. They don't set up quite the same, but I'd say they're still pretty tasty.

I just started working out again this morning with some yoga, and I'm hoping to actually keep that up this time. I've also been drinking a lot of tea lately, which makes me feel awesome. I'm not a coffee drinker, so waking up and having a nice mug of green tea has really helped start my day out better. Hopefully this time I can keep myself on track and actually set up a workout schedule. Wish me luck!

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